About Us

Mortgage Mates is a co-ownership website helping you navigate the best way to co-own a home. Yes! We do match ‘strangers’ to buy together. But more than that we have free resources on how to co-own well, whether this be with family, friends or a Mate and access to providers who can help you co-own safely.

Whether you want to Match with a Mortgage Mate, or have a Mate to buy with, we can help.

Mortgage Mates is the only platform in Australia that can provide a Mate-A-Base of co-owners for you to potentially own a home with and free resources and information to help you make this happen. If you are looking for a co-owner, our website shares information on our Mates such as your housing needs, including location, cost, property use, property type, and house’Mate’ preferences – such as whether you are a dog or a cat person!

If you already have a co-owner in mind then you can still use our resources to share and own a home together.

Our platform allows you to choose the security of shared home ownership in a safe and secure way.

By matching with Mates who share your housing aspirations, you can afford to purchase a home to live in, land to build on or an investment property to invest in, with less financial risks and increased legal protection.

Our Mates can chose to co-live in the property together, co-invest in the property together.

Who we are

Meet Daisy.

Driven by Ideas, Passion, People and Housing.

Throughout her 16 years experience working within the legal, housing and welfare space Daisy began to identify a growing gap in the housing market, noting individuals were finding themselves without a long term place to call home.

Following her work in the housing space, Daisy saw that many individuals were being priced out of the housing market due to expensive rental properties, limited deposits and lower incomes.

It was because of her experience in housing, and her understanding that this lack of affordable home ownership has long term impacts on people, that she decided to do something about it. Using the ‘stranger’ economy to establish affordable housing, she developed the idea of connecting individuals together to enable them to co-own a home.

Mortgage Mates is the first co-ownership platform in Australia, matching two or more Mates to own a home together.


Quicker access to the housing market
Safer and more flexible investment options
Comprehensive legal protection
Increased social connection
Reduced pressure on infrastructure and environment

Our History

In 2017, Daisy and Jess crossed paths while working in the humanitarian sector and the idea for Mortgage Mates came to life. Jess worked in the community development and humanitarian space for 5 years, working in Nepal post earthquakes providing strategic support and has since worked in strategy and program development in the youth and community development space. Jess provided strategic direction and knowledge on the demographics of users, clarifying the importance of the sharing culture we live in today and a partnership began to form.

Between 2019 and 2021 Daisy and Jess worked together to create, develop and implement their Minimum Viable Product. During this time, Mortgage Mates received positive news pieces, success in the startup space and commenced their connection to Mates across Australia. In early 2021, Jess made the difficult decision to step back from her active role in Mortgage Mates, taking time to work on personal goals and aspirations, whilst supporting the dream of co-ownership from behind the scenes.

Daisy will be continuing the work of Mortgage Mates moving forward.

We will be supporting even more Mates to own a home together in the future, via the new and exciting platform you see here today.

“Through the use of innovative technological solutions, Mortgage Mates will disrupt the house market, providing all Australians the opportunity to own their own home”.
